FEFSI general body meeting was conducted in Chennai yesterday. Director RK Selvamani was the one to head the general body meeting yesterday. They discussed the about the TFPC stand against the FEFSI. After the meeting was over RK Selvamani addressed the press, “If Tamil film industry is considered to be one of the most prestigious film industries our FEFSI employees hard work is soul reason for it. Our FEFSI members have given up many concessions to make Tamil film industry better.
When ever TFPC was in trouble we have been supportive, but I am afraid that TFPC’s current decision will destroy FEFSI. TFPS has announced that they are going to bring in employees outside FEFSI which might cause many confusions and trouble FEFSI which is really pains to us. Since their actions are devastating FEFSI will go on strike indefinitely from today. All shooting schedules must be canceled. Until TFPC let downs their decision our strike will continue.” said RK Selvamani. This has affected many movies that are currently in progress.
FEFSI strike has affected many movies