Aranmanai is a popular Tamil cinema franchise with three released installments, featuring different actors in each. The film is a comedy horror that appeals to all ages. Despite its simple plot, the variety of actors and comedic elements make it a hit among audiences. Sundar C is currently working on the fourth installment of the franchise. Director Sundhar C has chosen Vijay Sethupathi to play the lead role in the film. This may come as a surprise as some of his fans believe that Vijay Sethupathi is not well-suited for horror films. due to his previous role in the film Anabell Sethupathi, which did not receive a wide audience due to its conventional story. However, Sundhar C is known for his unique approach to filmmaking, and fans are optimistic that Vijay Sethupathi will be able to break the stereotype in this role.
Sundar C Starts Aranmanai-4 With The Leading Actor!